Nishkam Doctors Advisory Clinic

Nishkam Doctors Advisory Clinic (NDAC), run by volunteer doctors, is here to help with the following:

  • Advice about healthy living

  • Have your height, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose and pulse checked

  • Discuss and understand your medication

  • Discuss existing medical condition(s)

Please note that we are an advisory service here to support the NHS at a time of need, and you should still see your usual doctor if you have a new medical problem in the first instance. We currently do not prescribe medicines, but we can recommend over the counter medicines, or medicines which fit under pharmacy services. 

Request an appointment with a doctor

If you would like to book an appointment with the Nishkam Doctors Advisory Clinic, please complete the form by clicking on the button below and we will get back to you within 7-10 days.

If you have any questions
about this service please contact